My Blog

Unleashing High Performance: Dr. Mark Guadagnoli's OKR Pro Tips and Success Stories

Unleashing High Performance: Dr. Mark Guadagnoli's OKR Pro Tips and Success Stories

How Companies Supercharge Success with OKRs | Dr. Mark Guadagnoli ...more


June 16, 20233 min read

From School Teacher to House Flipper | Real Estate Experts

From School Teacher to House Flipper | Real Estate Experts

From School Teacher to House Flipper ...more


September 02, 20220 min read

How Mormon Culture Makes Amazing Entrepreneurs

How Mormon Culture Makes Amazing Entrepreneurs

How this mormon missionary used sales skills and lessons he learned from a religious mission to establish a well balanced career in real estate, real estate investing and framchising resteraunts. ...more


September 02, 20220 min read

How Detroit Pizza Is The Deepest  And Best Pizza You've Never Had

How Detroit Pizza Is The Deepest And Best Pizza You've Never Had

Follow us along the Journey discovering Ghost Kitchens in Las Vegas. ...more


September 02, 20220 min read

Why I'm Closing My Real Estate Company

Why I'm Closing My Real Estate Company

Why I am shutting my Real Estate Investment Company Down........ ...more

Real Estate ,Vlog

September 02, 20220 min read

Yes, I’m Afraid of a Real Estate Bubble

Yes, I’m Afraid of a Real Estate Bubble

Yes, I admit it. I am scared of a real estate bubble. But I’m continuing to invest anyway. ...more

Real Estate

September 02, 202210 min read

WIN MLS For Investments

WIN MLS For Investments

Now, I don’t go around blindly making a ton of low ball offers to see what sticks. I evaluate every potential deal based on the needs of the client. This particular home had been left vacant for some ... ...more

Real Estate

September 02, 20227 min read

4 Reasons To Follow-up & Close More Deals

4 Reasons To Follow-up & Close More Deals

Most investors do not know the answers to the question, “What price and terms did every past seller you’ve spent time with finally sell their properties for?” While this question may seem daunting at ... ...more

Real Estate

September 02, 20226 min read

3 Reasons To Invest In Real Estate During Recession

3 Reasons To Invest In Real Estate During Recession

When an economic crisis hits, people lose their jobs, income, and potentially their homes. During these periods, it can be quite easy to find renters. Housing is a basic need, and there is always a de... ...more

Real Estate

September 02, 20224 min read

#1 Reason Newbies FAIL in Real Estate

#1 Reason Newbies FAIL in Real Estate

As real estate investors, there are many components of the industry that must be mastered. Depending upon the type of real estate investing you plan to go into, there are different areas you must mast... ...more

Real Estate

September 02, 20225 min read

4 Essential Lessons From Arnold Schwarzenegger

4 Essential Lessons From Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger is incredibly famous due to his movies, his bodybuilding titles, his life in politics, and his marriage into the renowned Shriver family. ...more


September 02, 20223 min read

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